Guide My Heart Page 3
“I’m serious. That stuff is potent,” I insisted as the masseuse indicated our session was over. With a silent groan, I sat up, covering myself with the towel before sliding from the table. “It made me dream about Chris, and when I woke up, I was in his arms.”
Her eyes widened. “Damn. You got the good stuff. I hope there’s more left in the fridge because I’m definitely having some before the barbecue.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re such a dork. You know that, right?”
With a twinkle in her eye, she entered the changing room and unhooked a robe from the door. “We’d better hurry and get ready for tonight. I don’t want to be late.”
“Hopefully that hunky chef is on duty. He won’t know what hit him once he sees me,” she said with a wicked grin.
“Poor guy.” I rolled my eyes.
Thankful she hadn’t asked for a better explanation, I slipped into my clothes. Maybe it was best to keep quiet—I’d hate for her to think I was crazy. We had thirty minutes to prepare for the barbecue, so we hurried back to our rooms.
The ladies at the spa had done our manis and pedis, as well as facials and waxing, so I felt buffed and polished. My hair was thick and straight, and all it needed was a quick brush to get it back into shape. After applying dark eyeliner and mascara, I did a quick twirl in the mirror to see if the sundress I’d changed into was presentable.
Meghan was ready when I knocked on her door.
“Wow.” She whistled. “Does Chris know you’re about to rock his world?”
“Don’t be silly. This is the only dress I brought. I hope your chef is prepared. You’re not messing around tonight.” Pointing at her low-cut top, I laughed as she pushed out her chest, presenting her assets.
“Yeah, man-buns beware. These beauties are dangerous.”
We were still chuckling and joking when we entered the barbecue area. Meghan straightened, spotting her target within seconds. With a hand cupped at her mouth, she whispered in my ear, “Hottie alert. My chef is on duty.”
Following her gaze, I saw him behind one of the grills, carving slices of meat for the guests.
The sun was almost down, and long shadows stretched over the brick walls. A delicious smell of barbecued meat hung in the air. Christmas lights strung on the wall flickered, and about thirty tourists wandered around the smoky entertainment area. Huge flames crackled in a deep fire pit dug into the center of the open space.
I wasn’t sure if a sixth sense made me look to the right, but when I did, I found Chris’s eyes blazing intensely at me. The hair on my arms rose and my stomach nosedived. I smiled at him, but he didn’t reciprocate. Once again, his gaze was fixed on me, homed in as if I were his prey for the night.
Milla broke our connection when she stepped in front of him, blocking my view. I couldn’t mistake the halo of blond curls draped over her bare shoulders. She was dressed for attention in a strapless top and a revealing pair of hot pants. The firelight gleamed on her long, sleek legs, making my sundress seem plain in comparison.
Shivering, I stepped back. The hungry look in Chris’s eyes was unsettling. It made my stomach flutter in a pathetic and girly sort of way.
Someone touched my arm, and I whirled around, releasing a surprised breath.
“Hi, glad you could make it.” Sarie grinned. “Did you enjoy the massage?”
“Yeah, it was great, thanks.”
“Good, I’m glad.”
A tall, wiry guy in his early twenties stood next to Sarie, and judging by his tanned skin, he spent most of his time outdoors.
“I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Blom. He and his father are guests of ours, and he asked about you.” With a quick squeeze of my arm, she headed toward another guest, leaving the two of us alone.
Giving me an appraising look, he shook my hand. “Call me Renaldo, please.”
“Hey, I’m Britney Adams.”
“Ah, you’re an American.”
“That’s right,” I said, extracting my hand from his long fingers. “Born and bred.”
“You don’t look foreign.” His eyes glittered as he reached out to lift a lock of hair from my shoulder to rub between his thumb and forefinger.
My brow arched at his forwardness. I’d just met the guy, and he was invading my personal space.
“You look like a local with your beautiful brown eyes and dark hair. Most American tourists have fair skin and blue eyes, which doesn’t fare well in our harsh sunlight.” He shook his head. “But your golden complexion suits our climate. You could have been born here.” He gave me a seductive smile.
Okay, this guy was definitely flirting.
He wasn’t bad to look at, and out of boredom, I decided to play along. I was on vacation, after all. But before I could practice my come-hither skills, Chris intervened.
“Blom.” He stepped between us, dipping his head to Renaldo in a curt greeting.
God, Chris looked good. His hair was long, thick, and slightly wavy, the color of ripe wheat ready to be harvested.
Renaldo paled in comparison as he nodded in reply. “Hello, Chris. Good turnout tonight.”
“Thanks.” As Chris turned to me, a vein throbbed along the column of his neck. “Britney, can I have a word with you?”
Was he upset with me?
“Yes. Of course. Excuse me, Mr. Blom.”
Renaldo’s lips firmed but he stepped back, allowing Chris to steer me away with a hand gripped tightly around my forearm. Marching me over to an empty corner, Chris slowed and came to a stop, trapping me between his body and the brick wall.
“Okay,” I murmured uncertainly. “What was that all about?”
For a second, he didn’t speak. His breathing was unsteady, and he clenched his hands at his sides.
“Chris, are you all right?” Placing a hand on his chest, I stared into his eyes. His nostrils flared as he took a calming breath.
“I’m sorry,” he said in a tight voice. “Didn’t mean to drag you away like that.” Glancing over his shoulder, he looked in Renaldo’s direction and then turned to face me.
I gulped. Chris’s eyes were completely golden, not a trace of green anywhere. Slowly, deliberately, he slid his hand along my wrist, his fingertips brushing the paw marks on my arm.
In an instant, sparks flew around our bodies. The golden chain I’d seen in that crazy vision reappeared, wrapping itself around my waist. The other end coiled around Chris’s knuckles, and he tugged at the chain gently. Completely helpless, I was yanked forward in his grip until my chest pressed against his hard, warm body.
Bowing his head, he grazed his nose along my jaw and growled, “You smell so good.”
My eyes were open this time. I hadn’t imagined the chain.
“Chris, what are you doing?” I whispered as his free hand curled around my hip.
Drawing me closer, he tightened his hold until my cheek rested against him, my thighs flush against his. Our bodies fit together perfectly in the shadowy corner. His grip was so tight, I could feel every dip and ridge of his large frame.
“Don’t fight it,” he murmured into my ear. “I’ve searched for you forever.”
The same glow I’d seen before enveloped us, and I had the strangest urge to rub my face all over his broad chest like a needy cat. His biceps bunched under my fingertips, and his skin felt as smooth as silk over steel.
“Chris, where have you been?” a nasally voice interrupted in a thick European accent. “I have been waiting and waiting for you.”
Chris stiffened. Still holding the chain, he released me, and the warmth of his big body faded from mine. As I stepped back, the chain splintered into wispy pieces and vanished.
“Milla,” he said in an annoyed voice. “I said I’d see you later. What’s the matter?”
The spell I’d fallen under lifted as I processed his words. Shaking my head, I tried to clear my thoughts.
Did Chris have an arrangement to meet Milla
tonight? Seriously?
God, I was so stupid.
I wondered if he’d made the same date with her, just in case I didn’t show up, but there was no use in confronting him about it. He’d probably lie and say she wanted to discuss a tour or something. Men were all alike. No matter the continent, they were exactly the same.
“Britney . . .”
He frowned but I’d already stepped around him. The trick he’d used to make the chain appear was neat, but it wasn’t going to fool me.
“Go ahead, Chris,” I said over my shoulder. “Don’t let me keep you from your date. Your schedule seems pretty full tonight.”
Despite him calling after me, I was determined to leave. Scanning for Meghan, I sighed in relief when I spotted her next to the chef. Her hand was on his arm, and she was laughing at something he’d said. She smiled as I walked closer and caught my gaze, raising her fingers behind his back to signal she was all right.
I couldn’t interfere or spoil her fun. Meghan deserved a good vacation too. Waving, I left the area as quickly as I could.
As soon as I got back to my room, I sank on the bed. Brushing my tears away, I switched on the TV, determined not to go outside again. A seam of my dress ripped when I yanked it off with more force than necessary, but after a while, I calmed down. After raiding the snack drawer, I lay back on the bed with a chocolate bar in one hand and the TV remote in the other.
Much later, a door closed nearby and giggling could be heard through Meghan’s bedroom window. But that wasn’t what startled me. No, it was the low grunt of a large animal, padding restlessly outside my door in the early hours of the morning that had me sitting upright in bed.
I remained that way until the first rays of sunlight filtered through the blinds.
Chapter Five
A sharp knock on my door startled me. Opening my eyes, I blinked at the digital clock on the side table. It had to be wrong; it couldn’t possibly be that late.
Another knock.
“Are you awake? We’re going to miss breakfast. Hurry up,” Meghan called out, her voice muffled through the wooden door.
Groaning, I rolled out of bed and opened the door. She burst into the room, grinning broadly.
“Get up, sleepyhead. It’s ten o’clock. Breakfast closes in half an hour, and we’re supposed to see the orphaned animals today.”
With one fist rubbing my eye, I yawned. “Wipe that smile off your face.”
Meghan snickered like a young kid. A pair of sunglasses perched on her head, and her face glowed with happiness. “Guess what happened last night?”
Turning my back on her, I shuffled to the bathroom. “I don’t have to. You were loud enough to wake the dead.”
She laughed out loud as I squirted toothpaste on my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. “His name is Marshall. He’s a qualified sous chef, and he’s twenty-four years old,” she gushed. “Such a talented guy, I swear. He made me laugh all night.”
Tilting my head to look up at her, I spat the last of the toothpaste into the sink. “You’ve got a hickey.”
Her hand flew to her neck. “Huh? What do you mean?”
Bumping me away from the mirror, she craned her neck and touched the mulberry-red mark at the base of her throat. “Oh no, he didn’t!”
“Oh yes, he did,” I said as I wet a facecloth to wash my face.
While she dug through my makeup, I brushed my hair into a quick ponytail before finishing up in the bathroom. I was fastening my sandals in the bedroom when she reappeared.
“Can you still see it? I’ve covered it up as best I can.” She pointed at the mark, which was a lot less visible.
Nodding, I stood and pocketed my room key.
“He’s such a guy. I mean, really.” Her smile was bright as she slid the sunglasses from her head over her eyes. “What was he trying to do? Mark his property?”
I shrugged while holding the door open. “As long as you enjoyed yourself.”
“Oh, I did. Did I tell you how talented he is?”
“TMI, Meg. It’s too early in the morning.”
Flitting from the cottage, she stopped halfway out the entrance. “Hey, what happened to you last night?” She placed a hand on my arm and searched my face. “You left so early. Did you and Chris get together?”
“Nope. I watched TV all by myself last night.” I didn’t tell her about the chain, and how Chris had said he’d searched for me forever. That bit of info was staying right where it belonged, in zip-your-lips land.
“Oh no.” Her eyes widened. “I saw him follow you when you left, and he didn’t come back all evening. I thought you were together.”
“Hmph,” I grumbled. “Did you see Ms. Movie Star at the party?”
“Who, Milla? No, I think she disappeared around the same time you did. Why?”
My fragile mood crumbled and I shooed my friend out of the cottage. “No reason. I didn’t feel like playing second fiddle to some tourist.”
“No, you’re kidding. Brit, I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you say anything?”
I gave her a thin smile as I locked the door. “Don’t be silly. An early night was just what I needed. All this fresh air has been making me sleepy.”
Meghan snorted in disbelief. “Tell me if it happens again. Remember, sisters before misters. Promise?”
Laughing, I agreed. As we linked arms, I almost stumbled when I noticed a huge paw print in the dust under my window. Not wanting to upset Meghan, I continued walking as if nothing was wrong, but goose bumps dotted my forearms. Luckily, I’d stayed indoors last night.
After a light breakfast of fruit and yogurt, we caught one of the Jeeps leaving for the animal orphanage. Chris was nowhere to be seen, and Milla hadn’t joined her party. Not that I minded. Christmas wasn’t far away, and I didn’t want to mope over a stupid tour guide when I was on the vacation of a lifetime.
Feeling better about my decision, I hopped out of the last Jeep and waved at Sarie as she welcomed us to the animal sanctuary.
“Hi, girls. Glad you could join us.” Always glamorous, she’d dressed casually in a suede safari hat and a gray T-shirt and shorts. Her smooth, tanned legs drew admiring glances from a few of the older men in our party.
She smiled before pointing forward. “The entrance to the rhino orphanage is down that pathway.”
We followed her directions along an earthen track hemmed between security fencing until it opened into an area surrounded by tightly packed wooden poles. Meghan stood with her hands on her hips, staring at a pen where three baby rhinos had their snouts propped between the metal bars.
“Look at those sweet things,” she exclaimed.
Some of the tourists had walked up to the pen, and the babies were moving to and fro with excitement.
Sarie spoke behind us. “They’re waiting to be fed.”
I had to smile. The baby rhinos were ugly enough to be beautiful. With gun-metal-gray skin folded like armor, tiny bumps for horns, and ears way too big for their heads, they were positively prehistoric. Squealing like puppies waiting for food, they ran their square mouths back and forth along the bars.
“Aw, they’re so cute. Can I take a baby home to New York?” Meghan’s blond bob tilted to the side as she pouted.
“If you’re willing to pay the airfare,” I joked.
“It won’t be so expensive.” She moved closer. “Seriously, they don’t weigh that much.”
One of the babies nudged her hand with his lip.
“Think again.” Sarie grinned. “They can weigh up to two tons when they’re fully grown. At this age, they need to be fed six times a day, and they eat their mother’s dung in the wild, so you’d have to whip up a few stinky shakes to keep them happy.”
Meghan wrinkled her nose. “Ugh, did I say they were cute? Bad rhino,” she said, scolding the poor baby closest to her. “Not good to eat your mommy’s poop.”
Barely containing her laughter, Sarie guided us to the next set of pens. Th
e two rhinos in this enclosure seemed a bit older. The bumps on their heads were unnaturally smooth, and they were a lot bigger than the babies we’d left behind.
“What happened to their parents?” I asked, and a deep voice rumbled in my ear.
“All of these rhinos were orphaned because of poachers.”
Yanking my head back, I found Chris right behind me. I was so startled, I couldn’t figure out what he’d said.
“Really?” Meghan’s eyes widened as she turned to face him.